(The fact that the game kept weapons as paid downloadable content is worrisome enough, but even worse, is something that’ll be seen in future games as well.) There’s also an assortment of new customization items, most of which are there to advertise Valve’s Team Fortress 2. It features a few weapons that were only available on consoles as DLC, along with a few extra exclusive missions. In 2010, the game was released on Steam under the title Worms Reloaded. The Worms 2: Armageddon Time Attack pack features 20 new heart-pounding single-player race missions designed to test players’ Rope and Jet Pack skills to the limit The Time Attack pack also includes 3 new hats, 3 new speech banks, 3 new gravestones and a new Time Attack landscape theme. In the long run, the game’s appearance on consoles also serves as somewhat of a quiet admission that the series’ adventures in 3D just weren’t meant to be, for better or worse. There’s little you’d miss in its absence, aside from a few weapons that would never see a return appearance.

It’s functional, but with so many other games that try to do more with the series, and likely with bigger playerbases, there’s little need to go for this one in particular. That's four dollars less than its normal price, by the way, so better aim at that buy button now. Er nutzte dazu die für Spiele spezialisierte Programmiersprache Blitz Basic.Das Spiel wurde von der Firma Team17 zur Marktreife gebracht und auf andere Plattformen umgesetzt. Overall, the worth of Reloaded will likely depend on how much you enjoyed Open Warfare 2 and just how badly you need to play it in your own home. Playable on both iPhone and iPad, Worms 2: Armageddon is available in the App Store for only 0.99. Würmer) ist eine Serie von taktischen rundenbasierten Multiplayer-Artillery-Spielen.Die erste Version des Spiels wurde von Andy Davidson für den Amiga entwickelt. The random events from Open Warfare 2 are missing as well, although how much you may miss them will be a matter of opinion. While the many game options that Armageddon allowed you to tweak aren’t devastating in their absence, one has to wonder if a purely 2D game would suffer for having more than four worms per team.

Without a handheld’s limitations to keep in mind, a lot of the missing options should have their absence called into question, as well. The usual campaign mode dispenses with any sort of cutscenes to reward your progress, which while understandable for a downloadable title, feels like a downgrade. Ten years on from Worms Armageddon and the turn-based comic mayhem continues in Worms Reloaded, an all-new edition available for PC. Several features are missing since Open Warfare 2, however, making the package feel a little paltrier than usual. Worms 2 Armageddon is the real deal, AppStorm Silver Award - 'If the franchise has burrowed its way into your affections at all over the past decade, this is the mobile version for you', Pocket Gamer Amazing Some of the best franchises don’t last more than two or three titles, let alone eighteen years.