Now theyre actually useful Proudly modded for discussing technology in the PS4 forum and for being off topic in my own thread.

Main psn - Kaitsja Currently playing Diablo III GMT10 - AUS User Info: HaHaUrDead85 HaHaUrDead85 5 years ago 7 DeathMaster911 posted. Its only a problem if you dont like having to leave and re-enter the game just to use another portal. Main psn - Kaitsja Currently playing Diablo III GMT10 - AUS User Info: SlyGamer1979 SlyGamer1979 (Topic Creator) 5 years ago 5 DeathMaster911 posted. Meaning that if you want to keep doing it, you have to exit the game and then go back in to use another. You can only use one Bovine Bardiche and one Puzzle Ring per game. GT:MercwithMouth82PSN:MercwithMouth82 Friendcode:5344-0132-5074 - My common sense is tingling User Info: DeathMaster911 DeathMaster911 5 years ago 4 Those are the only two. User Info: MercwithMouth82 MercwithMouth82 5 years ago 3 Yeah, havent found or heard of anything apart from those. Info: SlyGamer1979 SlyGamer1979 5 years ago 1.
Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.īoards Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition what items used in kanais cube open portals User Notify me about new: Guides Cheats Reviews Questions Add this game to my: Favorites Now Playing Wish List Play Queue Guides QA Board More Home Summary Release Data Also Playing Collection Stats Game Trivia Guides QA Trophies Reviews Reader Reviews Critic Reviews Media Images Videos Board. How you get to her is irrelevant: Either by killing a Goblin that opens a Portal to The Vault or by transmuting a Puzzle Ring in Kanais Cube. Lots of people like free gold loot so you should get three willing helpers pretty much immediately. Puzzle Ring Diablo 3 Vault Free Gold Loot This far into the season just shout out in General Chat and ask for help with a Vault run at Torment 16. I have however, a puzzle ring and am wondering if the kanais cube portal trick will suffice for the quest Dont wanna waste materials if necessary thank you. Puzzle Ring Diablo 3 Vault By balcurrcopsou1980 Follow | Public